Vintage Trials
Welcome to the slowest racing event at VMD! Of course, getting from Point A to Point B in the shortest possible time is not the goal of observed trials. In trials, speed doesn’t matter at all.
Observed trials is a test of technique, balance, and the ability to navigate over or around obstacles without stalling, crashing, or touching a foot to the ground — and it’s made even more challenging when it’s on vintage trials bikes! Using natural-terrain obstacles in the same wooded area that hosts the hare scrambles — including log crossings, rock gardens, steep climbs, and creek crossings — VMD has trials routes available to challenge riders of all skill levels.
- New for 2024, an Off-Road Paddock Vehicle Pass ($75) will be required. This is available to purchase during Race Registration. This pass allows the holder access to Off-Road Paddock with overnight camping through Sunday.
- Competitor Off-Road Paddock Vehicle Pass must be presented at the time of entry to the facility along with Weekend General Admission ticket and proof of RACE Pre-Entry
- One (1) vehicle, RV or RV with tow vehicle per pass
- No entry to off-road paddock without Off-Road Paddock Vehicle Pass
- Ross Road Gate is EXIT and RE-ENTRY ONLY
- Any early arrivals will be directed to a staging parking lot off-site to Snow Trails
Schedule (subject to change)
Contact Information
Pre-Entry Deadline – July 23
Racing entries are $40 for pre-entry and $50 for post-entry. All pre-entry must be done online; forms are no longer available to print and mail. If you have questions, call (614) 856-1900 and ask for Logan Densmore.
Rules & Classes
Motorcycle year and design requirements and AMA-sanctioned vintage competition: