Swap Meet Vendor Rules

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days Swap Meet is a fundraiser that supports the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame and gives the opportunity for vendors to sell motorcycles and motorcycle merchandise. Please review the following rules to ensure we provide the best experience for vendors, customers, and all motorcycle enthusiasts.

Vending spaces must be occupied and active for the duration of the Swap Meet. Empty spaces will not be eligible for pre-registration for the following year.

All vendors must be registered for the Swap Meet. Vendors may not sell or give spaces to others who are not officially registered.

Merchandise which MAY NOT be sold include t-shirts with any questionable wording or graphics, guns, knives, drugs, or paraphernalia related to same, or alcoholic beverages.

Displays must be neat, and grounds left as clean as they were found. Please remove all you came with.

Vendors must be respectful of other vendors and conduct themselves in a business-like manner, which includes no profanity or loud music.

The Swap Meet opens for business at 8:00am Friday and closes at Noon Sunday. Vendors must limit their vending to these dates and times.

Vendors and buyers can bring their cars, trucks, and trailers, for load in and load out, between the hours of 5-7pm during the event.

No vehicles larger than a standard golf cart and two-wheel vehicles will be permitted for transportation within the Swap Meet. No side by sides or trailers unless it’s between 5-7pm

Vendors are required to keep structures and merchandise within their marked vendor areas. This includes tents, poles, signage, tables, gear, etc. There are no exceptions.

Only 1 vehicle per camping space. Please purchase the appropriate spaces to accommodate your equipment and vehicles.

Campers must always have their camping pass visible.

No exotic pets permitted. Dogs must be always on a leash AND you must clean up after them.

Any violations or failure to comply with these rules may lead to immediate removal from the grounds with no re-entry and denial of future vending privileges.

AMA Volunteers, Mid-Ohio staff and AMA staff are available to assist and make your swap meet experience great. Please listen to their instructions and guidance.